Why not talking about sex is not so good…
The most interesting thing about the fact that people are unwilling to talk about sex is that it distorts our view.
With no basis for comparison, we assume that what we do is “normal,” anyone who does stuff that’s more adventurous is “kinky” and anyone who isn’t comfortable with what we do is “repressed.”
What is considered standard? What is the norm?
Can you imagine if we made that same assumption about eating because no one knew, how, when, where or what anyone else ate? How boring would that be.
The truth is that if everyone was more comfortable talking about sex what you’d realize pretty quickly is that there is a wide, wide range of sexual activities and pretty much everyone has some company for their likes and preferences.
So go ahead. Ask your best friend about her sex life. You’d be surprised what you both have in common, and you may learn a thing or two!
I have so much more information about this in my book Satisfaction Guaranteed. You may want to check it out!

Written By
Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus
Sex Therapist & Relationship Expert | Author of Sex Points & Satisfaction Guaranteed: How to Have the Sex You've Always Wanted