You never have to live with vaginal dryness
I personally don’t think that intercourse should be painful. So when women tell me that intercourse is painful...I get a little frustrated.
I then ask them “Do you use a lubricant?” and then they say: “Uh, no, aren’t I too young to need a lubricant?” And then I usually take a deep breath and internally say…“Uh…no…”
Okay ladies here’s the deal…women often need lubricants at different ages, different stages in life and even different times of the month. Please note that vaginal dryness does not discriminate.
Ageism does not exist in the vaginal dryness world. It can happen when you’re 25 and it can happen when you’re 60. I have one word for this: lubricants. Lubricants can be your best friend. Why? Because it’s sole purpose is to make intercourse easier and definitely take away any pain or irritation that dryness causes. It’s your friend in the bedroom. Lubricant wants you to enjoy intercourse. So go for it…the lubricant that is. And please, keep it by your bed!
I have so much more information about this in my book Satisfaction Guaranteed. You may want to check it out!

Written By
Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus
Sex Therapist & Relationship Expert | Author of Sex Points & Satisfaction Guaranteed: How to Have the Sex You've Always Wanted