I’ve had it with penis size!!


Okay. Listen up folks.

The only time penis size really matters is if the penis is too big and hurts the women. In all my hundreds of patients there have been almost no women who  complain to me that her partner’s penis was too small.

I have, however, had a number of women whose partner’s penis was so big as to make intercourse really, really uncomfortable. This can be a fairly complicated problem to solve.

If the penis is too long, there are devices and positions that might make this much more manageable. If it’s too thick, life gets a bit more complicated and solutions have to get more creative.


Here's the truth

A “small” penis is truthfully not something most women are going to care about (or even notice, frankly). The vaginal canal is not a big space.

As a matter of fact, it’s not a space at all. It’s just “potential space” and it will open up to whatever size penis is introduced. And it will get the same amount of friction no matter what the size.

So women, embrace the penis size of your partner (if it’s too big or uncomfortable, consider getting some expert help).

Men, let it be. Your penis is PERFECT.


I have so much more information about this in my book Satisfaction Guaranteed. You may want to check it out.



Written By

Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus

Sex Therapist & Relationship Expert  |  Author of Sex Points & Satisfaction Guaranteed: How to Have the Sex You've Always Wanted