Work With Me : Bariatrics & Weight Loss Surgery

Work With Me : Bariatrics & WLS
Enough is enough.
I am so tired of the shame.
People should not blame themselves for their out of control feelings, for a body that’s not “good enough” or for their food issues. I’m guessing you are also tired of blaming yourself. It’s time to stop the blame game. Start loving yourself and start accepting and understanding your body.

Here's what people don't get.
Your body, your relationship with food and your weight, are complex mixtures of:
- The psychological (how you are feeling and reacting)
- The physiological (how your hormones and body chemistry is behaving) and
- The sociological (what everyone around you is saying and doing).
Once you really understand that, it changes everything.
Some topics we'll cover:
- Unsure if bariatric surgery is for you? Let’s explore your journey together and see if that road is right for you
- Already scheduled your bariatric surgery? Let’s make sure you are set up for success long after surgery
- Struggling with the “after” of bariatric surgery? Let’s discuss your expectations, your self image and other troubles you are having

Set Up a
with me and we’ll discuss.
- Your history with weight loss, dieting, and emotional eating
- Your goals and concerns
- The tools you’ll need to have higher success rates and reach your goals
- Support you might need to ensure your success
- Your practical questions about moving forward
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