Let's Dive in
I usually hear this from the women whose libidos are low and don’t want sex at all. And I understand. Sex every day is….a lot. However, I have learned that both they and their husbands have decided he needs sex every day. The truth is, that in my experience, sex everyday is a fantasy that most men have. It’s a lot. And I get it, it’s a great workout…but everyday?
Truth be told
When it comes to reality…wait…you know what? It’s a bit better for them in fantasy than in reality. Because truth be told, they get tired too. They get stressed too. They are busy too. In a few cases, when the women’s libido were back to normal, I suggested they try an experiment and have sex every day.
Time to experiment
I also suggested they not tell their husbands about the experiment but just initiate sex every day. In almost every case it took 2-3 weeks, at which point the husbands said “Sweetie, I love you, but not tonight.”
The truth is, that like almost everything else in life, when you can’t have it, it seems like you can never have enough. But when you know you can have as much as you want, things become more real and focused and you find that you don’t need to have all of it all the time in order to feel satisfied.
It’s a great experiment for those of you who are up to it.
The Results
It makes men realize that maybe 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 times a week is really okay for them…and let’s women see that maybe their husbands are not the sex maniacs they thought they were. And there you go.
There’s your win/win.
I have so much more information about this in my book Satisfaction Guaranteed. You may want to check it out.

Written By
Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus
Sex Therapist & Relationship Expert | Author of Sex Points & Satisfaction Guaranteed: How to Have the Sex You've Always Wanted